The Style & Purpose Collection: Pink Brick House Top Picks + SDV’s Fav New Items

by Sammy in Comment — Updated June 17, 2010

I’ve been talking up my next sale — Style & Purpose — like it was as important to attend as your best friend’s wedding or as fun as a week with the cast of Jersey Shore.

Style & Purpose is all of that, and more — it’s really like waking up on your birthday to find breakfast in bed followed by  a spa treatment and a night out with your 5 best friends planned for your enjoyment that day.

So why the extreme comparison? Because I don’t just organize sales. If they were just sales, I’d call them trunk shows. So what do I organize? Meaningful events/parties/get-togethers — whatever you wanna call ’em — that bring strong women together to not only support my brand and entrepreneurship endeavors, but to support one another, too. What I enjoy most about SDV is the fact that I can help other women to help other women as they enjoy the best experience of all: feeling good & looking great.

Thanks to help from Pink Brick House, Style & Purpose is an event where women can just be themselves among other like-minded ladies who just get it. They get that your dreams are valuable and worth listening to — and that the forced labors of networking need not be found within the natural environment of shopping and socializing.

And that’s why this event has the best purpose: It’s about bringing powerful women together [you!] to enjoy good times and good fashion.

Thanks to Pink Brick House for inspiring me to organize this sale — and of course, for loving everything in the SDV collection! See below for founders Kristen & Jasmine’s favorite pieces and what they had to say about them.  Plus, a sneak peek of what’s new in the SDV collection … think floral dresses, shimmer tops, tantalizing tassels, crazy crops & cuts, pretty pumps and oh my! lots more that even the awesomest of alliteration fails to describe.

See you all on Saturday!

xo, SD

Pink Brick House Picks: Kristen & Jasmine’s Favorite SDV Pieces

15 Ways You Can Own'70s Dresses
From left: Kristen Dolle & Jasmine Wahi, founders of Pink Brick House, wear SDV

Kristen: Jaguar Skirt.
“Sammy has many pieces with full portraits of animals in her collection. I love them all, but this skirt is my favorite. There are so many intricate details in the print; even the expression on the jaguar’s face inspires me! Plus, the silk is very light and cool, making it a perfect addition to a summer wardrobe.”

Jasmine: Pink, Turquoise, and Purple Mini Dress
“I absolutely adore this multi-colored silk mini, and I’m not a girl who usually wears color. The wide color blocks and subdued tones make it a dress that’s fun and totally sophisticated. Short, Sexy, and still playful, this leg-flattering mini really is a staple for any girl who wants to expand her expand her pantone horizons.”

SDV PICKS: My Favorite Fresh Pieces in the Collection Right Now

15 Ways You Can Own'70s Dresses
SDV Fav: Bohemian Cross-Over Dress, $40

“When I found this piece, I went insane over the variety of pattern — like, are there seriously FIVE different things going here at once?! You have to see it to believe it — and to try it on — and rock it with a cross-strap bag on the boardwalk, beach or BBQ this summer.”

15 Ways You Can Own'70s Dresses

SDV Fav: Floral Wrap Dress, $40

“Featured in the Style & Purpose photoshoot, this floral wrap dress is absolutely DARLING. Admittingly, it looks great on blondes [as was our model for the shoot], but no worries — there are plenty of other pretty floral numbers in the collection this season. Can you tell I need a vacation?”

15 Ways You Can Own'70s Dresses

SDV Fav: Summer Shimmer, $40

“Shimmie shimmie WHAT! Yes, that’s honestly what I think of when I look at this top. It’s marvelous, and it’s going to be magically marvelously so on just the right girl. I can’t wait to meet the amazing girl who makes this work and gives it a happy home!”

15 Ways You Can Own'70s Dresses

SDV Fav: Tassels That Talk, $25

“No, really … when I found this piece, I swear to you the tassels were talking to me. And what were they saying? ‘Sammy D … I am the new trend for summer .. you just don’t know it yet … YES! Tassels! On the chest! So tantalizing!’ So there you have it folks — clothes that talk, and this is what they say. Invest in this piece for the FULL conversation … “


SDV-TV Episode #20: How I Learned to Sew for Style & Purpose

Sammy D TV // Episode 20 // Sammy D Learns to Sew for Style & Purpose Event! from Sammy Davis on Vimeo.

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