We Were Shoppin’ & We Were Boppin’: Saturday Slammin’ SDV Sale RECAP!

by Sammy in — 2 Comments — Updated May 9, 2010

Saturday’s sale was a slammin’ success! Thank you to everyone who visited the fantastic loft space for a showcase of some of New York’s most cool, down-to-earth vintage dealers — including brick & mortars Marmalade Vintage & Sweet Virginia Vintage, along with online-sellers-extraordinaire In Your Closet NYC.

I met some amazing new SDV customers [leave a comment if you are a new customer and visiting this blog!] and found myself running into some old pals, too! Shout outs to Sierra, Renita, Ariel and Ariana for visiting the sale — you put a huge smile on my face with your guest appearance.

The best part about what I do is the fact that I am always throwing parties. I don’t really think of my sales as “sales.” They are social and they are Sammy — and Sammy likes to gather all of her friends, old and new, in one solid place. Not only to see them all at once, but so that they can network and meet other cool, chill, fab [plus stylishly strong!] ladies.

Oh geez. There’s a lot of exclamation points in this blog post — I’ll cut it short and let you scroll on down for some Shop & Bop eye candy. Special thanks to Stephanie & Olivia for coordinating — let’s do it again, ladies! We hit a 5th story loft this time around … can we go higher for a summer sensational Shop & Bop vol. 2?

sammy davis sale at shop and bop

The lighting was perfect — two racks & two tables full!

vintage belt buckles

If you follow my facebook fan page,  you’ll know that I was going gaga over these belt buckles I found in my — get this — stepmother’s stepmother’s mom’s closet. She lived on the Eastern Shore of Maryland along with some time in Florida, therefore her entire wardrobe was Lily Pulitizer friendly and nautical inspired. How COOL!

sammy davis vintage purses

The creme darling sold to my friend Sierra — see our shot farther below!

sammy davis vintage at shop & bop

Let the shopping begin …

display of vintage hats on bike

I have so many hats for summer! [thank you, Maryland closet find!] I had so many hats at the sale that I didn’t know what to do with them display wise. Until the loft apartment owner suggested I use his vintage Schwinn bike. OMG, how perfect! The display was a hit, although I didn’t sell a single hat! But then again, it’s still not summer yet … ah, counting down the days!

sammy davis vintage customer

She was my first customer of the day! Check out her amazing Chanel inspired red quilted and cross strap chain purse! Only $30!

sammy davis and kayla o' donnell

NYWICI sister and NEXT writer Kayla swung by to grab this pic — I’ll be featured in the communications organization’s newsletter for summer!

sammy davis and sierra brown

There she is — my girl Sierra! We were both interns at Conde Nast in 2007. Wow, how time flies …

renita burns and sammy davis

And Renita, a fellow Temple journalism alumna, ’08. Girls got it made working at Black Enterprise. So good seeing you, Renita!

meredith of cubicle chic wearing sammy davis vintage

The always lovely Meredith of Cubicle Chic wears a no-no for work [I begged her to try it on, knowing it would fit her tall, lean frame] Look how amazing this vintage 60s dress is on her! If only she didn’t work at a law firm …

sammy davis and pamela castillo

I only WISH I could do a full vertical of what the lovely Pamela Castillo, founder of Market Publique, is WEARING! She wins the award for SDV find of the day. Her blog post is coming up soon … I’ll link you all on twitter when she posts the look!

katie with sammy davis vintage tunic

Another NYWICI sister, Miss Katie Corrado, nails the piece of the day: This gorgeous all-silk tunic with some sequin sparkle. Guess where it is from? ABU DHABI!

american themed patriotic vintage skirt

For those of you who don’t know already … I’m going on a cross country road trip [web site and more deets to come SOON!]. So um, how could I NOT buy this for myself from another vendor? I don’t know what to call it — patriotic wear-it-all? Cause you can really “wear it all,” in anyway … skirt, shirt, cape, top …

stephanie of in your closet nyc

Stephanie [right], one of the co-organizers of Shop & Bop and founder of In Your Closet NYC. Check out her beautiful leg tattoo. Loves it!

sammy davis with olivia of shop & bop
Olivia, another co-organizer of the sale and a super connected lady in fashion, gets chill with SDV for a photo opp.
view of lower east side apartment roof
And to round out this eye candy .. the view from the roof terrace. 5th floor, dusk, Lower East Side. I <3 you New York!

2 thoughts on “We Were Shoppin’ & We Were Boppin’: Saturday Slammin’ SDV Sale RECAP!”

  1. Sammy…you and the booth both look amazing…like first date amazing!

  2. Sammy, I’m so sad I missed it, this looks amazing. I guess this means you’ll have to have another party ASAP!


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