Second Hand Fashion: $2-a-Pound Thrifting Finds at the Goodwill Outlet in Queens, New York

by Sammy in 39 Comments — Updated October 30, 2019

Vintage Clothing Finds at Salvation Army Thrift Store in York, PA!

I almost DON’T want to admit it — but here I am doing just that! Until Monday, I’d never been to an outlet thrift store shopping before. Yes, it’s true! And what’s even more crazy? I didn’t know they existed until my friend over at Living Fly on a Dime told me so through her YouTube videos and blog.

Still, I cut myself some slack considering the majority of my “formative thrifting years” were spent in Lancaster, PA, where thrift store prices are low enough NOT to warrant an “outlet” by the same name. But now that I’m a three-year-and-growing Manhattan resident, it’s about time that I come to recognize even the “thriftiest” of prices here can get lower … and that’s why the existence of a Goodwill Outlet in nearby Queens is a blessing for a thrift queen like me!

One of my favorite blog posts are when I can share my latest finds — inspiring YOU to take a few hours from your schedule to light your creative juices and search for fun, fashionable finds that represent YOUR style and YOUR personality for a budget-friendly price.

I’ve thrifted far and wide [or at least all around the northeast!] to bring you visual inspiration and comment-worthy pictures of what I’ve seen and experienced in a thrift store. From my adventures finding an ugly holiday sweater in York, Pennsylvania to that time I went to the “warehouse sized” Salvation Army; my road trip to Maryland for a concert and a “stopover” at the Village Thrift Store and that other time I thrifted at a Long Island, New York Goodwill for a [designer!] Little Black Dress to wear to a Carnegie Hall event for Glamour Magazine …

…. well, I can’t say I’ve exactly DONE it ALL, and that’s a good thing! Because my goals are the same now as they were when I started this blog: to share my love of finding & wearing vintage fashion and thrift store style for a happy, healthy mind, body and HEART!

Keep scrolling to see what I uncovered at the Goodwill Outlet in Queens, New York … from a Minnie Mouse sweatshirt with DIY potential to a large collection of ironic sports shirts, it was a Goodwill worth “digging” … pun intended! ;-)

Do you have a thrift store find — maybe even from an outlet near you? — that warrants a shout out from my fan page or this here blog? Send me a photo or leave a note in the comments below!

I can be reached over email [], Twitter and Facebook. And if you are a YouTube user, you can send me a message there, too.

Oy vey! Whatever happened to snail mail?!?!

Have a wonderful Thursday lovelies, and I will blog to you again tomorrow!

xx, SD


Vintage Clothing Finds at Salvation Army Thrift Store in York, PA!


Vintage Clothing Finds at Salvation Army Thrift Store in York, PA!


Vintage Clothing Finds at Salvation Army Thrift Store in York, PA!


Vintage Clothing Finds at Salvation Army Thrift Store in York, PA!


Vintage Clothing Finds at Salvation Army Thrift Store in York, PA!

Thrift Store Shopping Like a Pro

Part 1: Thrift Store Shopping – Research
Part 2: Thrift Store Shopping – Preparation
Part 3: Thrift Store Shopping – Strategy
Part 4: Thrift Store Shopping – Inspection
Part 5: Thrift Store Shopping – Sharing

39 thoughts on “Second Hand Fashion: $2-a-Pound Thrifting Finds at the Goodwill Outlet in Queens, New York”

  1. Awesome post Sammy. Isn’t the Outlet amazing!?
    I went yesterday and scored a ton of stuff (I’ll have pics on the blog next Monday). $15 for a large bag of clothing is A-OK in my book!

    • It’s thanks to you, Patrice that I even WENT! It really wasn’t too much of a trek, either, and I really enjoy the view from the 7 train ;-) there is even a diner on the corner of Van Dam that I want to check out for post thrifting celebration!

  2. the comment about the sweater u found in York, PA caught my eye coz i grew up in that area and my daughter and i often visit the salvation army store there (which is like 10 times the size of the one we have here in NH) to see what we can find …
    i’ve got a lot of “finds” in my apt. blessings!!

    • YOU KNOW ABOUT THAT STORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      hahah! Sabina I’ve been to a ton of thrift stores but I think that one is by far the BIGGEST!

      So you are in New Hampshire now? What is the thrifting scene like there? I have been meaning to “road trip” up north!

      xx thank you for stopping by Sammy Davis Vintage!

      • probably not as great thrifting up here in NH as in NY — lol. we have three stores (called Listen) within about 20 mile radius of where i am. a goodwill and a couple of other second hand shops. prices r nuts though although i have found some good finds there … i have neighbors who have found all sorts of bargains, but they frequent the stores a lot. there is a big goodwill in concord (which is about a 1 hour drive from where i am). there is a store called Recover near me that has second hand furniture and construction stuff (like tiles and wall sconces, etc.). usually if i have something i’m looking for in the way of housewares or furniture, i’ll check out the second hand stores before i venture into the neighborhood walmart … but most of the second hand stores here r small compared to the one in york! and its imperative to find stuff in the second hand stores because the nearest mall is an hour away from where i am … we’re kinda isolated!!
        I grew up in stewartstown, pa. my dad still lives in red lion, pa. so whenever we go to visit him, we try to take a trip to the salvation army store in york just to see what’s there … if u ever do a road trip, u should lmk …

  3. Hi, I live in Lititz Pa. Grew up in Manheim Township, went to Manheim Twp High Schools. Loved you on Nate. Wish you all the luck you need to get what you want in Life.


    • Hi Linda! This is such a wonderful comment to receive, thank you! When did you graduate from Manheim Township? I am a youngin’ so I was 2004. Your support means the world. Everyone’s support is like a big blazing sun of love to me. Thank you and stay in touch ;-) xx

  4. I’m really loving the plaid jacket you found! It looks great on you!

  5. OMG a Goodwill outlet??? HEAVEN? WOw, so jealoussss definitely need to check this out next time I’m in the cityyy!

    Stacey Kay

  6. Just saw you on the Nate Show! Love your finds! I look forward to reading more of your blog. :)

  7. Oh my gosh! I’ve never even known thrift outlets exist if it weren’t for this! It would be awesome to have one near me

  8. Wow, we have a Goodwill Outlet but the prices are not that low. heo the heck can that be? I will haveto tell them they are higher than NY!

  9. I love the Goodwill outlet! I’ve picked up a pair of Chanel pumps, Frye cowboy boots and a vintage Fendi purse! No lie. The Goodwill Outlet is not for the faint of heart at least the one in my town can be an interesting experience. Sandra(luloops)from YT

    • hey sandra, what town is this goodwill outlet in? it sounds amazing!

      • I want Sandra to tell us too! ;-)

  10. Check out for good deals, too – from the comfort of behind your computer screen!! :P

  11. I am amazed. I’ve never seen anything like that in my life…all the bins! Wow. That looks like you would just pack up and plan to stay for the day and you would need to have some sort of method to the madness. LOl! But, oh my gosh…I’m imagining the treasures that are beneath the surface.

    • Melony this is a late reply but have you tried going on the Goodwill website to see if there is an outlet near you? You can type in your zip code to the location finder. Let me know! XO

      • Sammy

        There’s a wonderful Goodwill outlet on the Alameda in Baltimore City. So much GOOD stuff, my closets are full

  12. I have never been in Goodwill but seems that they have a bunch of pretty good finds there. Hope to find an asian leggings there. Been itching to try the candy look.

    • Felina those leggings are lovely! The “candy look” as I think you mean (lots of pastels and almost jelly bean shades?) is in the latest issue of Oprah mag. Good luck thrifting the trends! XO

  13. Ahh! I’ve been itching to go to one of these goodwill outlets! If you have a DAV near you, check it out on Sundays! They have a lot of clothes for 25 cents, or 5/$1. It’s my new addiction, and the best part is, it’s just as cheap as the GW outlet!

    • Katie, WHAT is a DAV? Thank you so much for sharing! In NYC there aren’t any spots with deals like that! This is about the best we’ve got ;-) You are thrift blessed! XO

      • It’s a thrift shop run by the Disabled American Veterans. I’ve got a video up on my website showing what I bought there last week if you’re interested! Do you have any estate sale resale type places where you’re at? Here we’ve got 1 or two and they’ve spoiled me to the point that I won’t pay $5 for a necklace unless it’s STUNNING.

        • Katie thank you for clearing up that acronym! I love this! You are such an expert as your standards have changed! Living in NYC thrift is more “mainstream” prices compared to other areas of America, but I have faith I will find that $.25 thrift source soon!! I am praying to the Gods!

        • So, I got reaally excited when I read your post and called the Queens Goodwill to ask if the clothing is still being sold at $2/lb since your post if from 2011. Can I JUST say that Mr. Rude said “No” then chuckled! what is THAT all about?

          • Hi my fellow thrifter! It should be about $1.79 a pound at the Queens Goodwill outlet! Did the person on the phone really say no? oh no!!

  14. Isn’t it amazing the types of things you find at goodwill? I guess it’s true what they say….another persons trash is another’s treasure


  15. I love the Goodwill outlets! The one here in Tallahassee is called “Good Cents” all clothes are $1.79 a pound. In Orlando it’s $1 a pound My mother & I are big time shoppers there.

    • Good cents is a GREAT name for an outlet! I love that! Never heard of a literal $1-a-pound outlet …. seems like inflation has increased it from the $1 level in most places — lucky lady you are! Please share your finds on the Facebook page? Would LOVE to see. Good luck and thrift love! xx

    • Domo Can you please tell me where the Goodwill outlet is in Orlando?…


      • It’s on Orange Blossom Trail near the Florida Mall. It’s connected to the Goodwill store, you can’t miss it!

        • Wow, Domo, thanks for sharing your source! You know that many people are super protective. Which is understandable, and a bit hard for even me, who likes to share but can also feel competitive. Thanks for inspiring us ;-)

  16. Our Goodwill outlet here in Nashville, TN is only $.59 per pound if you have 50 pounds or more…and it’s soooooo easy to come up with at least 50 pounds during every visit. Everything is priced exactly the same, so you don’t have to separate clothing, from video games, from household stuff, etc. I have found some amazing treasures there.

    • $.59 cents a POUND? That is amazing! What treasures you must find! Thank you so much for sharing, Christina!

  17. nice info. love forward to reading more from this blog! bravo

  18. Thanks for this! I’m staying in Brooklyn for a week at Easter (coming from Australia) and will have to check this place out!


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