Why Premarital Counseling Should Be on Your Wedding To-Do List

by Nicole in , Comment — Updated August 26, 2023

Weddings are extraordinarily special, not just for the bride and groom, but sometimes for also their entire families. 

To plan the perfect wedding, most couples make a wedding to-do list to ensure that everything is checked and accounted for. This could include everything ranging from finance to decoration or even catering. 

Why Premarital Counseling Should Be on Your Wedding To-Do List

However, most couples forget to include an important checkpoint, which is premarital counseling. 

Premarital counseling is a type of therapy that can help couples prepare for marriage. Premarital counseling can help ensure that you and your partner have a strong, healthy relationship. This can give you a better chance for a stable and satisfying marriage. It could also be useful in preemptively identifying weaknesses that could become problems during marriage.

Premarital counseling is often provided by licensed professionals known as marriage and family therapists. If you or your loved ones want to seek professional help, then you can make use of several online resources. 

BetterHelp provides access to experienced therapists at the tip of your fingers to provide guidance and support during important stages in your life. 

Seeking premarital counseling can be highly beneficial for both partners. Here are a few topics that you might discuss with your partner and therapist:

Expectations and roles 

One may perceive marriage in one way while their partner may feel completely differently. 

Why Premarital Counseling Should Be on Your Wedding To-Do List

By encouraging honest and open communication, partners will be able to understand expectations for their marriage and the roles they can play to support and encourage each other. This could include future aspirations, goals, thought processes, or even understanding each other’s love language. 

Effect of past experiences

People can be a byproduct of their environment and experiences. It is often necessary to be clear about difficult past experiences that may unconsciously contribute to future dynamics. 

This could include being open and honest about any past abuse or emotional or physical loss that could still be affecting the partner.  

Relationship with family

At this point, it is also important to remember the individual relationships with families. A lot of work and effort needs to be put into understanding existing relationships, which extends to family members. 

Why Premarital Counseling Should Be on Your Wedding To-Do List

Conversations regarding boundaries and roles that family members may play in personal lives also become crucial at this stage.

Proper money management

Financial concerns often have the ability to destroy the healthiest of relationships. To prevent future concerns, partners can openly discuss their past, present, and future financial history. 

One should also be clear about common goals and future intentions related to money. Partners may also need to discuss if they are going to be combining finances or keep them separate. It may also be necessary to reach a consensus about who will be managing the money. 

Holding Difficult Conversations

Open and direct communication is the recipe to success for any successful marriage. Premarital counseling will be advantageous in helping partners discover each other’s style of communication and how it could affect their marriage. This also includes having tough conversations about physical intimacy, having children or not, which could be potential pitfalls later. 

Why Premarital Counseling Should Be on Your Wedding To-Do List

Plans for Resolving Future Conflict

In premarital counseling, partners work with a therapist to foster communication and conflict resolution skills that couples can carry with themselves in the future. Emphasis is placed on understanding the perspective of the other partner and working as a team to resolve conflict.

Why go through this effort?

Talking about these issues with a trained therapist can be beneficial in the following ways:

  • Creating mutual goals can allow couples to identify the best possible route towards a happy future. 
  • By speaking about various topics with the therapist, couples are able to indulge in honest and open communication. This could result in improved communication styles and understanding. 
  • It helps to understand the differences between partners, which could prevent potential conflict in the future, and also how to deal with them. 
  • You can ease potential pre-wedding anxiety by facing issues head-on so couples can feel reassured about the future. 

Why Premarital Counseling Should Be on Your Wedding To-Do List

Couples can ensure they get the most benefit out of premarital counseling by following these tips: 

  • Understand the challenging nature of the situation. Partners will be openly communicating about their feelings and desires, which may cause problems initially. However, it is important to remember that such milestones could ultimately make the relationship stronger and more likely to last. 
  • Make sure to allow the therapy sessions to be safe spaces where both partners can freely express themselves without fear or disappointment.
  • Try not to downplay thoughts or emotions. The crux of premarital counseling is to face the issues directly. 
  • Learn to embrace the idea of equal playing fields; there is no winner or loser, just two people fighting for each other to be the best versions of themselves. 

Key Takeaways

Planning to get married does not mean that you already have a perfect relationship, and you might want a little help in order to make the marriage as smooth as possible. Such a crucial step may require additional support to ensure a healthy and meaningful relationship between partners. 

Premarital counseling can be extremely helpful for both partners to navigate uncertainty and build a beautiful marriage.

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