Now that we all use computers and phones so much as storage devices for our memories, it is more important than ever to take the time to bring keep-sakes to life. A keep-sake box like this one can help you cherish the precious moments in life. This D.I.Y. project is great for a rainy day, or a time when you are feeling sentimental and reflective.
D.I.Y Book Keep-Sake Box
Search through the antique looking books at your local thrift shop and find one that is the size and shape of the “box” that you want to create. A thick book is ideal. The pages should be slightly yellowed and have that great old book smell.
When you get the book home, start to gather the items that you want to incorporate into your project. Print out photographs in black and white or sepia tones. Find old tickets, maps and charms. Next, start cutting and gluing! Use an X-acto knife to cut compartments out of the pages. Get creative! What will you put in your keepsake box? Let me know in the comments section below.
So do you glue every page together before cutting? What kind of glue?
Here’s the link with more information if interested from when I created this years ago :)