Last week I turned 28-years-old!!!
It was an epic week of the unexpected. After spending a few days in NYC to check on my apartment before heading back to #lala land (AKA Los Angeles), I was a few days away from turning 28 (Sunday, March 16) when two buildings in my New York neighborhood literally imploded because of a gas pipe leak.
People died. The streets were shut down. There was dust in the air .. for days.
I headed back to Los Angeles with a heavy heart, almost missing my flight. I wanted to stay in NY. I wanted to be a part of my neighborhood as it grieved and got itself back on its feet. I wanted to help celebrate life and also honor lives lost.
But I got back on the plane, and I headed west. And as I headed west, I decided to make a decision to stop doing something I didn’t want to be doing.What was it it? A course called Mastery in Transformational Training that I had happily participated in until the third tier, which was not lining up with my values, my priorities and most importantly, my heart. My heart was not happy. I was not happy.
I decided that the program – like an unhealthy relationship – was not serving me. And that it was time to leave, because it was time to realize that my life is now, and that I can be happy now. I can do what’s best for me now.
My birthday weekend was a mixed bag of emotions. It could have been partly because of the full moon, or it could have been because I was transitioning into another year of wisdom and experiences learned.
And then, on Monday (the day after my birthday) I woke up to a 4.4 earthquake. My first experienced ever, and oddly, right on time to “rumble in” a year of new.
I’m so happy to be 28. I’m so LUCKY to be 28 and living this beautiful, amazing, blessed life of change and connection and growing character!
The few days leading up to and following my birthday were beautiful. They were beautiful for both the uncertainty and growth they presented. It was in feeling uncomfortable that I looked within to discover what it is I really wanted, and how I wanted to treat myself and others.
We never stop growing – no matter how old we are. And when we stop growing, well, we’ve died. And so to grow is to live.
Thank you all for inspiring and for being a follower / supporter of Sammy Davis Vintage! It gives me great joy that after 5 years of Sammy D Vintage, I’m launching a NEW site that I’ll be devoting full attention to moving forward. You’ll see a few more posts here related to my awesome partnership with eBay, but come April 1st, my thoughts, inspiration and motivation from you will be published on SammyD.TV.
Here’s to 28 years – and another 28 years – and hopefully, another 28 years after that.
Have you checked out the collections of eBay yet?
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with love, Sammy
PLUS! Sweepstakes Ends March 31!
CURATE FOR A CAUSE: Win $5,000 from eBay! Here’s How!
What’s your passion in life? What do you love to do? Curate a collection inspired by your passion on eBay, and you’re automatically entered to win a $5,000 eBay shopping spree!
Watch this video to learn how to make a collection on eBay and using the hash tag #imbornto in the collection description, enter to win a $5,000 shopping spree AND automatically donate $1 to March of Dimes!
Here are the official rules for the Curate for a Cause collection sweepstakes.
Learn more about how to enter to win a $5,000 shopping spree from eBay HERE!
PLUS: Visit my collections on eBay here!
Birthday Bliss Collection: What I Want for My 28th Birthday!
Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me! To celebrate my birthday and love of shopping for my favorite vintage and one-of-a-kind things on eBay, I’ve curated a special 28th birthday wish list of all the things I love and make me smile.
Products with history or meaning capture my attention first, followed by functional (a latte, cappuccino and espresso maker!) to futuristic (atomic era dish ware, minimalist ’60s decor) and even the wild ‘n wacky (a bamboo Hollywood style mirror and table). I’m a free bird (and love Thunderbird rings) with an eclectic style and confident sense of style. Which is why when I like something, I’m not afraid to share it!
For my 28th year, I plan to give more attention to reading (or listening to audiobooks) and expressing my creative self with writing (like in a Carpe Diem notebook) and taking photos (with a Nikon DSLR).
No matter our age, in life we get to pursue new hobbies because they inspire our inner child to sing and shine.
Check out some sneak peeks in this blog post, and find the entire BIRTHDAY BLISS collection on eBay here.
The Birthday Bliss: A 1960s Mr. Dino Dress
My 28th Birthday Wish: A 1960s Mr. Dino designer dress!
Why I Love It: If you didn’t know already, I sort of have a thing for Mr. Dino – and I think he does with me, too!
A quick history of Mr. Dino, for your educational delights:
Mr. Dino’s op art designs (defined as being “conflicting patterns” of “abstract designs”) are often compared to the likes of Emilio Pucci, who had much more fame and therefore influence over fashion. One could argue that Mr. Dino was perhaps influenced by Pucci, or maybe they were just riding the trend without awareness of one another’s collections.
Mr. Dino is so revered because according to records, he designed each and every one of his garment designs. Founded in Miami, his dresses were designed, screen printed and manufactured in his Miami-based factory before shipped to the far corners of the country as works of art for the refined lady looking to invest in a trendy garment of fine quality and craftsmanship.
His designs are sold today for a fraction of their actual worth in the ’60s. Retailing for an average of $100 a dress, investing in a Mr. Dino is investing in a piece of history with a name that with such fresh design and fit, will always be your fashion friend.
Find Mr. Dino in my collection, available to “buy it now” at $199!
<< Find More Birthday Bliss in my eBay Collection Here! >>
The Birthday Bliss: A Thunderbird Ring
My 28th Birthday Wish: A vintage Native American “Thunderbird” ring made from silver and turquoise
Why I Love It: Well, for starters, I recently met a handsome bass player at the JFK airport because I complimented his hand jewelry. He was covered in turquoise and jewelry and everything vintage and nice. It, for lack of better words, made me a moth that went floating to the flame!
Now I’m into the style and want to adapt it into my California closet. The thunderbird, which in Lakota means “sacred” and “winged,” is a bird of powerful presence that we can wear with faith in our fortune as men and women of mother earth. I’d love to fly high with a thunderbird by my side, or perhaps, revealed as a being already within the depths of my soul.
Find it in my collection, available to “buy it now” at $52!
<< Find More Birthday Bliss in my eBay Collection Here! >>
The Birthday Bliss: Papyrus Notecards for Friends
My 28th Birthday Wish: An entire set of Papyrus notecards!
Why I Love It: There’s nothing that makes me happier than pens, paper and a reason to send a special note of love to someone whom I love and who loves me.
When I was in Antigua last year, I asked vintage lovers to share their addresses with me if interested in receiving a postcard. It gave me such joy to sit by the pool and write them notes of appreciation, awe and inspiration!
Now that I’m living in Los Angeles I hope to do the same. It’s been on my to-do list and I’ve wanted to put out that shout out for people’s addresses so I can send them postcards of pretty while I’m here. It hasn’t happened yet, but thanks to this blog post, I think that’s what I’m about to do.
Find this Papyrus card in my collection, available to “buy it now” at $4.99!
<< Find More Birthday Bliss in my eBay Collection Here! >>
eBay: Curate, Create, Collaborate! #finditfollowit

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I’ve curated more than 80 collections on eBay! You can receive updates to what I find and add by clicking here.
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My eBay Collections were curated as part of my collaboration with eBay and Style Coalition #FOLLOWITFINDIT