Wedding Season Is Right Around the Corner, Are You Ready?

by Nicole in Comment — Updated March 18, 2023

If you’re like most people, every year you get invited to at least one wedding, sometimes two, sometimes way more. For some, that flood of Save-the-Date cards also brings a wave of dread. There’s so much to think about — not as much as the bride and groom, of course, but still, there are plans to be made! We’re here to help you get ready.

Wedding Season Is Right Around the Corner, Are You Ready?

To Go or Not To Go?

The first decision you need to make is whether or not you are actually going to attend. There are a couple of factors to consider before marking that RSVP card. First, how many weddings have you been invited to, and how many can you realistically attend? If you can’t go to all of them, you need to pare down the yeses and nos.

Wedding Season Is Right Around the Corner, Are You Ready?

To help you pick which ones to attend, first look at the location. Are any of the invites for a destination wedding? If you want to go and can afford it, by all means, say yes. But, then start planning for airline and hotel reservations as soon as possible to get the best rates.

Next, consider how close you are to the happy couple. Being family doesn’t require an automatic yes. If you’re distant cousins and haven’t seen each other in 10 years, feel free to say no. However, if you’re close family or friends, then if possible, you should probably go.

Wedding Season Is Right Around the Corner, Are You Ready?

What to Wear?

Now that you’ve decided to attend, you need to figure out what to wear. To do this, you need to know the theme of each one. Then, look for wedding guest dresses that work for each one. If you’re lucky, you might be able to get one outfit you can wear to more than one set of nuptials. A beach theme and a garden theme could have crossover floral elements, for example. Another idea is to get a simple, elegant dress you can dress up or down with different accessories to give you different looks. Think in terms of different bags, jackets, belts and shoes.

Wedding Season Is Right Around the Corner, Are You Ready?

What About the Gift?

It’s customary to give a gift any time you are invited to a wedding, but that’s not always practical or financially possible. If you are not going to a wedding, a smaller monetary or physical gift may help you out.

If you are attending, picking a wedding gift is the next thing to deal with. You can always get something off the couple’s registry, of course, since they picked the items, you’re sure to get something they’ll like and appreciate. However, if you are particularly close to the couple and know a lot about their life, look for something personal that has meaning for them or between you.

Wedding Season Is Right Around the Corner, Are You Ready?

Some items to consider are personalized decor items that are a play on their new family name or their wedding date. Another option is something you make yourself. Crochet and afghan, paint them a picture or create a sculpture if that’s where your talents lie. Handmade gifts are always appreciated. Knowing you went the extra mile and put in the personal time and effort means a lot.

Don’t let wedding season overwhelm you, the key to survival is careful planning in advance. Decide which weddings to attend and make travel plans as needed. Shop for the perfect outfit and gift well ahead of the date, so you aren’t scrambling — and don’t forget the accessories that can give you the look you are going for. Most importantly, don’t forget to plan to have fun celebrating the happy couple, that’s the most important part of any wedding day.

Wedding Season Is Right Around the Corner, Are You Ready?

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